Communication Tools and Resources

Here you will find lots of information that you can download for free.

Where possible, we create and source tools and resources in easy read format using pictures and words. Look out for the easy read symbol which tells you when something is in easy read format.

This information has been developed to assist and support the communication needs of people with disabilities.

Easy Read Symbol

Getting My Health Information Ready for Hospital

This toolkit has been developed for people with disability to use to share their important healthcare information when going to hospital or other health services.

My health information toolkit

Easy Read Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources

As part of DARE’s COVID response, a range of guides about COVID-19 were developed to assist and support those with disabilities to stay safe and informed. These have been trialled in DARE group homes with some great feedback received so far.

The guides are also provided in PDF format for download. Services may add their logo in areas that are allocated for this purpose and use the resources to share this information. Read more here.

COVID-19 easy read icon

Other Related Resources

There are lots of different resources, tools and fact sheets available on the internet. We have shared some here that you may find useful.

Blood test adult woman